Infant Campus

A Caring & Stimulating Environment

Sunvalley has been praised for its hygienic homely environments that encourage curiosity and diversity. Our language-rich environments, baby-proofed classrooms and plenty of floor space for crawlers or babies that need tummy time have made us the top infant care choice for many.
Babies learn best when they are happily engaged and safe to explore their environment. This greatly encourages self-learning and confidence in young minds.

Age-Appropriate Curriculum

Our Age-appropriate curriculum and stimulating materials in a safe physical setting provide various opportunities for developing motor, social, language and cognitive skills through play. Infants at Sunvalley enjoy warm, responsive interactions between staff and children. A healthy relationship with teachers, combined with regular family engagement activities facilitate emotional growth and sense of security in children.

Fluctuating Schedules

An ideal mix of materials and rhyming vocals are used to ensure optimum absorption of knowledge and skill. Our teachers aim to balance important learning outcomes with children’s natural interests by working in collaboration with parents to enhance the child’s learning experience.

Qualified Staff

In addition to certified early childhood development trainers, our staff mix ensures availability of teachers trained in CPR and other infant emergency procedures. Our infant environments focus majorly on meaning full dialogues and respectful conversations. You’d be surprised by how much babies can get across or absorb just by making a few fun sounds or hearing teachers talk to them!

Safety First Attitude

Our Infant care programs have been known to go above and beyond to ensure children’s safety. This includes childproofing, food safety practices, a well-kept and maintained play space with complete sets of toys and constant supervisio

Low Staff to Child Ratios

Sunvalley maintains a strict staff to child ratio of 1:3 for Junior Infants and 1:4 for Senior Infants. We take the responsibility of shaping young minds very seriously and believe in consistency and undivided attention.

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